The NFS is a system for file sharing over the network.
Here, we will configure an NFS server and a client.
Attention, NFS requires a modification on Proxmox if you are using containers. This will not be the case here; we will use VMs instead.
On the machine that will serve as the server, install nfs-kernel-server
apt-get install nfs-kernel-server
Next, create a folder that will serve as the shared folder
mkdir -p /media/data
Then assign the folder to nobody:nogroup so that the client can read and write
chown nobody:nogroup /media/data
Then modify the exports file to add the newly created folder to the share
nano /etc/exports
Then add the following line
Here, we only allow machines from the network to mount the directory.
For other options, please refer to the NFS manual.
Then update the changes
exportfs -a
Your server is now ready to host a client on the /media/data folder.
On the machine that will serve as the client, install nfs-common
apt-get install nfs-common
Next, create the folder that will serve as the mount point
mkdir -p /media/nfs
Modify the fstab file to mount the server’s directory
nano /etc/fstab
Then add the following line /media/nfs nfs4 auto,_netdev,nofail,retrans=4,timeo=10 is our NFS server; here we mount the media/data folder from the NFS server to the /media/nfs folder on our client.
Reload the fstab file
mount -av
Your network folder is now operational 🙂